Sunday, May 13, 2007

Job Interview | Edit # 3

For my third edit to the Job Interview, Wikipedia Article, I corrected the following grammar error(it's in bold):" Candidates generally dress slightly better than they will be expected to wear to work, with a suit being appropriate for a white-collar job interview, but jeans being appropriate for an interview as a plumber. I did this by changing the sentence so that it would read the following way (changes in bold): "Candidates generally dress slightly better than they would for work, with a suit being appropriate for a white-collar job interview, but jeans being appropriate for an interview as a plumber."

I also added a citation to a sentence I had added during a past edit. In order to add the citation I needed to add a reference section, so I did that as well.


Kristen Mastrola said...

I really like your Wiki article! I agree that the grammar change was very appropriate and made the sentence sound much better. I also like that you cited your work. I know I have learned that without citation, your edits are likely to be deleted by another user, so it is definitely beneficial to take the time to find your source! Good Work!!

Theresa Bartley said...

I think your idea of editing this article is very good. I think it is definitely beneficial to all students to read that Wiki Article. Also I see that you have really put some time and effort into your edits, good Job!

Julie said...

Thanks so much for the comments! I really enjoyed reading them.